

What is the principle of magnetic health care?

Relying on computers at get off work, smartphones and tablets after work, looking down at tablets and mobile phones has become a habitual action of modern people. Wherever you go or slide, you will not only hurt your eyes, but maintaining a fixed posture for a long time will also cause muscle pain in your shoulders and neck. Stiff and stiff for a long time, the shoulders, neck, and back are often "buttoned". For this reason, many manufacturers have launched magnetic stickers and magnetic collars that claim that wearing them can help take care of fatigue. If you don’t want to waste money, how should you choose? , do magnetic collars and stickers work?

In order to maintain fatigue, various products and services have appeared on the market. There are also products such as magnets and magnetic stickers that claim to be able to protect the "top buckle" of health. In addition to caring for muscles through exercise, perspiration, massage...etc. In addition to fatigue, there are also magnetic sticker products on the market that are advertised as "magnetic", claiming to care for hard parts; but what is the principle of magnetic stickers or magnets?

What is the principle of magnet/magnetic sticker?

The basic principle of magnets/magnetic stickers is to maintain the current distribution of the human body, the movement of charged particles, the permeability of the membrane system, and the magnetic moment orientation of biopolymers through the penetrating effect of the magnetic field, helping to maintain physiological operations and maintain local blood. Circulation and other functions are a kind of physical maintenance.

Is there a record in ancient books on magnets/magnetic stickers?

"Magnetism" is a kind of metal oxide, and my country has a long history of using magnetism. Sima Qian's "Historical Records" in the Han Dynastyflat magpieAccording to the records of Cang Gong Zhuan Lie, a kind called "magnet"The natural minerals are magnetic and can be used. Sun Simiao, a famous medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, recorded in "Qian Jin Fang":Cinnabarsix songsMadehoney pill. The "compass", one of China's four great inventions, is made of magnetism. In "Compendium of Materia Medica", "traditional Chinese medicine"Dictionary" and other well-known medical books, there are many records on the use of magnetic correlation. In ancient books, there are records about the use of magnets from "Ben Jing", "Bie Lu", "On the Nature of Medicine", "Rihuazi Materia Medica", "Materia Medica Yanyi", "Men Cao Jing Ji Zhu", and "Materia Medica Cong Xin".

In the 2nd century before the "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic》There is a record of eating natural magnets that "the taste of magnets is hard", but excessive intake of magnets will lead toiron poisoning. In "Compendium of Materia Medica", magnetism was included in the records in ancient times, and the material with magnetism was applied to specific parts to achieve health assistance. However, unlike modern times, ancient times could produce magnetic stickers that are convenient to stick magnets on. Most of the small magnetic objects sold on the market are static magnets, which are convenient for wearing magnets or related products of magnetic stickers on small parts, and use the magnets/magnetic fields of the magnetic stickers for local maintenance.

However, when using magnetic stickers or magnets for health care, according to different people and physical conditions, the strength of magnetism and health care methods to be used are different. If the general public puts on the magnets without safety covering, in case of accidental falls or accidents, the magnets will break and may cut the skin.

Magnets/magnetic stickers are a gentle and safe maintenance method using physical principles

Basically, magnets or magnetic stickers are a safe and gentle way of physical rehabilitation as long as they are operated by experts. Combining magnets or magnetic stickers with ancient Chinese methods, through the two complementing each other, better health care effects can be obtained. In addition, there are also SPA operators who use "massage techniques" to massage muscles with magnetic instruments to help relieve muscle and body pressure.

In general, use the principle of natural magnetism to strengthen health care and health care, care for stress. This kind of non-invasive massage conditioning is combined with magnets and magnetic sticks, and there is no need to worry about other complications or side effects of chemical drugs. It is a great boon for people who pay attention to health and safety or are sensitive to chemical ingredients.

Plant organisms live in "magnetism"

Life is inseparable from a magnetic field, but how strong a magnetic field is most beneficial to life? Professor Chen Zhi, a magnetism researcher, will be the same sizegarlicinto two groups, thetest groupSubjected to 50 Gauss magnetic field, the control group was only subjected to the geomagnetic field (0.3-0.5 Gauss). After 25 days, the experimental group was on average 3.3 cm taller than the control garlic. This experiment shows that applying an external magnetic field/magnetic force (supplementary magnetic force) higher than the strength of the earth's magnetic field to life is beneficial to plant growth.

geomagnetic fieldis derived fromthe interior of the earth, and extended to spacemagnetic field. The strength of the magnetic field on the surface is between 25-65Micro Tesla(i.e. 0.25 to 0.65Gaussian)between. Roughly speaking, the Earth's magnetic field is aEarth's axis of rotationat an angle of 11°magnetic dipole, which is equivalent to placing a tiltedMagnet. currentMagnetic North Polelie inNorthern HemisphereofGreenlandnearby, which is actually the south pole of the geomagnetic field, andmagnetic south poleIt is the North Pole of the Earth's magnetic field.

magnetosphererefers to the earth's magnetic field inionosphereabove range of influence. it canspaceextending tens of thousands of kilometers, and preventingsolar windandcosmic raysmiddlecharged particledamage the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, thus making blockingultraviolet lightofozone layernot disappear. The Earth's magnetic field deflects much of the solar wind. Without the geomagnetic field, charged particles in the solar wind strip away the ozone layer that blocks ultraviolet rays, and living organisms are exposed to ultraviolet rays.


  1. kknews, Daily Headlines, Ronghetang, 2016/11
  2. Everyone Health magazine website, Zhang Yufan, Lu Yuling, 2018/08
  3. Wind Media, 2017/03
  4. Wikipedia, 2018/04
  5. wikipedia, Earth's magnetic field, 2018/04
  6. Medical Encyclopedia, 2018/04

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